Monday, March 7, 2011

Maxine On St Patrick Clipart

Salmon patties with poppy seed and lemon

The base of this recipe is quite similar to one already published on this blog, with a few minor variations, which makes it even more enjoyable in my opinion. I have served as an appetizer at a dinner of fish, very delicate flavor (ehm. ... I also forgot to put salt!).
then I have a predilection for poppy seeds, are so beautiful that put them anywhere! Also recently I went a bit 'obsessed with the lemon, our kitchen is full of nudity in poor lemon, peeled with a potato peeler ....

3 salmon steaks
an egg

a small shallots 2 tablespoons breadcrumbs
a tablespoon of Parmesan cheese grated lemon
a bunches of parsley, white pepper

poppy seeds to taste extra virgin olive oil

Wash the lemon, peel and finely chop the zest. Chop the parsley. Remove skin and bones of the salmon carefully. Start "gnawed" with your hands and then transferred to the pulp in your food processor with lemon, parsley and shallots. Run the robot until a homogeneous mixture. Add the egg, Parmesan and bread crumbs, salt, pepper and still worked the dough for a few minutes.
Shape into balls no larger than a walnut, roll him in a saucer filled with poppy seeds, bake at 180 degrees for 10 minutes in a greased pan with a little olive oil.

Update of 08/03/2011 18:40:
With this recipe I wanted to participate in the contest Sonia, respectable
But since the recipe contains cheese does not fit, I had not noticed that the dairy products are among the foods allowed. Obviously I would like banners and links, so that if someone is not aware of this important project can also find out from this page.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Erosive Gastritis Nuts

Artichoke and potato soup with bacon dumplings

apparently struggling to get the spring. Continue to make a terrible cold, and then you can continue to eat steaming dishes. Ammetto però di avere una gran voglia di insalata di pasta, buona, fresca e colorata, ma credo di dover attendere ancora a lungo...
Nel frattempo mi sono consolata con questa buonissima crema, avevo poi una scorta di canederli in freezer, li ho tuffati in acqua bollente e ne è venuto fuori un goloso piatto unico.
La ricetta dei canederli la trovate cliccando qui , se aumentate le dosi potete congelarli (cotti e scolati ovviamente) avendo l'accortezza di fare il precongelamento su vassoio, per poi conservare i vostri canederli in un normale sacchetto da freezer e averli pronti quando volete, basterà solo tuffarli in acqua bollente e salata o brodo. E ora parliamo della crema...

4 o 5 carciofi
1 grossa patata
vino bianco
500 ml di brodo vegetale (io con dado vegetale autoprodotto)
olio extravergine d'oliva

Eliminate le foglie esterne dei carciofi e il gambo, tenendone la parte più alta, eliminatene la parte esterna e tagliatelo a rondelle. Tagliate i carciofi a spicchi, eliminate la barbetta e sciacquateli in acqua acidulata con succo di limone. Pelate la patata e tagliatela a ticchetti. Fate rosolare uno spicchio d'aglio con un filo di olio,
aggiungete le patate e i carciofi, rosolate per un paio di minuti e sfumate con il vino bianco. Dopo 5 minuti aggiungete il brodo. Io ho utilizzato la pentola a pressione e ho lasciato cuocere per 15 minuti dal fischio, in pentola normale raddoppiate i minuti.
A cottura ultimata aggiungete qualche foglia di prezzemolo e passate le verdure con il frullatore a immersione.
Servite con i canederli cotti in acqua bollente e salata.

Con questa ricetta ripartecipo al contest di Eleonora

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Templates Of Letter Of Comunite Service

tart with peaches and chocolate chips

Perché le cose semplici sono anche le più buone... Non trovate anche voi che la crostata sia un dolce delizioso? A me piacciono i dolci semplici, muffins, torte da colazione e ultimamente ho riscoperto la magia della crostata con la marmellata. Devo dire che una grande spinta in questa direzione mi è stata data dal mio nuovo aiutante in cucina, vi ricordate ? La prima cosa che abbiamo fatto insieme è stata proprio la pasta frolla, in meno di un minuto... E ammetto che la frolla è in assoluto la cosa che meno amo impastare... Ma ora non è più così!
A casa nostra poi ci sono quelle deliziose confetture Rigoni di Asiago , per cui la voglia di fare crostate va assolutamente soddisfatta!!!

300 gr di farina 00
80 gr di zucchero
130 gr di burro morbido
2 uova
la scorza di un limone
gocce di cioccolato fondente qb

Unite farina, un whole egg and egg yolk, butter, sugar and grated lemon rind. Mix quickly by hand (or use a food processor), a ball and let rest in refrigerator for at least 15 minutes.
Spread 2 / 3 of pastry into a baking pan covered with baking paper, pour two handfuls of chocolate chips and cover with jam. Decorated with the rest of the pie crust (for me a very bad kind, but the intention was good ...) bake at 180 degrees for 35-40 minutes, until golden brown.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Woman Shaved Genitals

Muffins dried tomato and mozzarella sandwiches with chickpeas

These could also be called pizza muffins if you want, because they taste a bit reminiscent of 'pizza. What I like i muffins salati, anche se in realtà li preparo raramente, dovrò rimediare!
Come buona parte delle mie ricette - soprattutto quelle dei muffins - sono nati casualmente, unendo ciò che offrivano frigorifero e dispensa. Hanno anche subito il passaggio freezer, con tanto di scongelamento nel microonde, mantenendosi soffici e buoni!
Ora aspetto con impazienza l'arrivo della primavera e dell'estate per potermi prodigare nella produzione di muffins salati da gustare durante qualche pic nic nei parchi, in piscina, al mare (stupida, stupida, stupida regione senza mare!!!!!). Io davvero l'inverno non lo sopporto proprio più, e almeno questi pizza muffins mi portano mentalmente a periodi più gradevoli. E poi insomma, day after tomorrow is March 1, and for me this marks the official end of winter. Wise to ignore the temperature still falling, the rain and the greyness eh ...

200 grams of flour 50 grams of starch

1 teaspoon baking powder vanilla
15 non-dried tomatoes 1 tablespoon oregano

30 ml extra virgin olive oil 1 tablespoon grated pecorino

65 grams semolina
250 ml milk 2 eggs

50 grams of mozzarella cheese for pizza
a pinch of salt

Chop the tomatoes and cut the mozzarella into cubes rather small. The process is always the usual muffins: Place in a bowl all the dry ingredients - flour, starch, yeast, cheese, sale, origano, semolino - e mescolate in modo da ottenere un mix omogeneo. Aggiungete i pomodori secchi e la mozzarella e mescolate ancora. In un'altra ciotola versate tutti gli ingredienti umidi - olio, latte, uova - mescolate e unite al composto secco. Amalgamate rapidamente il tutto e riempite per 2/3 uno stampo da 12 muffins imburrato e infarinato oppure ricoperto dai pirottini (aaah che amore i pirottini). Cuocete a 180° per 15 - 20 minuti.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

California New Driver Requierments

Dopo una sfilza di dolci è giunto il momento di cambiare un po', per cui ecco un po' di pagnotte morbide e buonissime.
Sapete che questa è la primissima ricetta con cui mi sono cimentata anni fa nella preparazione bread? And has been for a long time the only bread that came out of the oven scarfusissimo the house that I shared with other students. Then came the bread machine and I have tried many other recipes. But this has remained in my heart, even if now to be more reliable early the first mixture to the machine.

a cube of yeast 1 teaspoon sugar

200 ml lukewarm water 250 g canned chickpeas

0 650 grams of flour 2 to 3 teaspoons salt 5 tablespoons extra virgin

Spezzetate the yeast and dissolve in 100 ml of water with the sugar. Drain the chickpeas well
from fluid retention, rinse with water and shake it left. Pour the flour into a large bowl with the salt, wheat, chickpea purée and oil. Stir with a wooden spoon until all the flour has been almost completely absorbed. Flour a work surface and knead the dough lavoratevi long hand. (Here I stopped, you want to put the convenience of being able to do in the meantime? I like to mix, but my pace of life will not follow all of my passions).
When the pasta is ready put it to rest in a very clean bowl and cover with a cloth. Let rise for at least an hour and a half. Take back the dough and knead for two minutes on a floured surface. Form a 15 to 20 loaves the same size and grease it lightly on the surface. Score the top with a serrated knife, forming a cross. Put the loaves to rest on two baking sheets covered with parchment paper and let rise for an hour, or until their volume will not be doubled. Bake at 180 degrees for half an hour.
(The last time I tested the program on my bread oven, if you recommend it, never had so perfect sandwiches!)

With this recipe I would like to participate in the contest to Sonia, the "respectable Contest", a great and commendable initiative, I suggest you go directly to the post dedicated to the contest to read what it is and I invite you to participate in numerous, it is a really good cause.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Jewel Case Dimensions Pixels

pumpkin pie and chocolate cake

I'm not sure that this is coming I cake well ... I suspect that my pumpkin has remained too watery, thus ruining the cake baking. But I found it perfect, the consistency of the fondant moist but not greasy and cloying (I like the fondant, but I can eat very little, is too much for me), and the recognizable flavor of pumpkin combined with chocolate. Indeed Lele found it horrible, too much pumpkin for him.
:-( Too bad, I had also decorated in a romantic version ...
In any case, try again to make it to see if indeed this time ho sbagliato la cottura della zucca o se effettivamente questa è una torta fondantarocca.
La ricetta arriva da un bellissimo libro ricevuto a Natale, Il Cioccolato. Immaginate quindi la delusione di Lele, che ha sfogliato il libro con la bavetta alla bocca, quando ha scoperto che la prima ricetta testata era a base di zucca...

700 gr di zucca
180 gr di amaretti
150 gr di farina 00 (qui Molino Chiavazza )
150 gr di zucchero
2 uova
2 cucchiai di cacao amaro
50 gr di burro
1 bustina di lievito

Cuocete la zucca pulita e tagliata a fette in forno o al vapore (io l'ho cotta in forno).
Quando la zucca è cotta frullatela, unite la farina, sugar, crushed macaroons, egg yolks, cocoa, butter and yeast, mixing well throughout. Whip the egg whites and add sauce.
Pour the batter into a greased and floured baking pan and bake at 190 degrees for 40 minutes. Let the cake cool on a wire rack for cakes.

And even with this recipe I participate in the contest CHOCOLATE Crysania , sure to be one that should stay away from cocoa & co. I'm working hard eh?!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

I-catcher Console - Web Monitor 

Plum pudding with droplets

This loaf is a review of the Orange . A total re-think how my usual ... I start with a recipe, I know maybe a parakeet liver pate cream grapefruit and watermelon, then do not use either the parakeet, or the liver (yuck) other animals, or fruit, flour and dried tomatoes, but maybe .. . Here maybe this time the distortion is a bit 'lower ...... Meanwhile, the blackbird hopped into the garden while I'm here to beat on the keyboard has escaped ... It will really believed the story of the pate and feared ending up in place of the budgerigar ?!?!?! Well
to avoid scaring all the birds in the area is better to focus on this starry plum cake and soft.

3 eggs 200 g sugar 180 ml milk

110 ml vegetable oil 220 grams of flour 00

80 grams of potato starch
1 teaspoon of baking chocolate drops


sugar In a large bowl Whip the egg yolks with sugar, added gradually. Add milk, oil, flour, starch and baking powder sifted. Beat the egg whites until stiff and add them into the mixture from the bottom up so they will not dismount. Add the chocolate chips with flour. Cover with parchment paper
squeezed to a wet cake tin of 30 cm and pour the mixture.
Pour the sugar on the surface of the plum cake and infornarte at 180 degrees for 20 minutes, lower the temperature to 170 degrees and continue Cook for 25-30 minutes.
Cool cake on a wire rack.

During the writing of this post no animal has suffered ill-treatment:-D

Monday, February 14, 2011

Yeast Infection From Brazilian Wax

A bookmark for Valentine's Day ...

Dear friends and readers, today is Valentine's Day and could not miss a scheme for the occasion (though I'm single and I celebrate tomorrow), it is a bookmark that you can make for yourself or a gift. I hope you enjoy it.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

House Of Dereon Plus Sizes

chocolate truffles with coffee and chocolate rum cake

Why chocolate is so good? And above all, why should I keep away from him? In fact the answer to the second question I know, stupid nickel! But sometimes I ignore the intolerance and I grant you, as I give myself so many other things I should avoid ... However
truffles are made if you have guests or if you go to dinner with friends and want to bring a simple dessert, but like always, because for them two is really exaggerated, too much chocolate for everyone, intolerant or not. With these doses, I got forty tartufini small, I chose to divide the dough into two parts to get two different flavors. However, I have used Ron miel, perhaps too delicate than the classic rum, so I got coffee and truffles to truffles simple ...
Double that half a tablespoon if you choose to do them all at the cafe or all of the rum.

150 g dark chocolate 100 grams of milk chocolate
100 ml fresh cream 25 g butter

half a tablespoon of instant coffee
half a tablespoon of cocoa powder to taste rum

hazelnut taste Chop the two types of chocolate and divide it into two bowls (in each bowl will be half the dose of dark chocolate and half milk). Put half dose of cream and butter in a saucepan, add the coffee and bring to a simmer. Pour the mixture into one of two bowls with chocolate, let stand for a few minutes, stir and store in refrigerator for one hour. Meanwhile
Heat the remaining cream with the rum and butter, will not just boil pour the rest of the chocolate and proceed as you did with the first compound.
Put two tablespoons of unsweetened cocoa in a small bowl. Shape into small balls with the mixture of chocolate and coffee and let them roll in cocoa powder.
Chop hazelnuts. Form balls with the mixture Chocolate rum and let them roll in chopped nuts.
tartufini If you like you put in small paper cups.
Store in refrigerator until serving.

With this recipe I participate in the contest Crysania

Friday, February 11, 2011

Blog Dla Jana Pawła

carasau with feta cheese, ricotta cheese and artichokes. And with joy that I present to you my new helper!

This dish, which was difficult to give name and label dates back to my pre illness boring boring and endless . I did not think of anything for dinner. I was rather bored. Then like a bolt from the blue man the sudden awakening of the brain has this recipe, which I found really good.
3 or 4 layers of bread carasau
250 g cheese 300 g
artichokes (weighed clean)
50 g pecorino
a tablespoon of grated pecorino
extra virgin olive oil salt

garlic and chili pepper oregano

warm water white wine

Remove the outer leaves of artichokes, cut into 4 or 8 wedges and put them to soak in water acidulated with lemon juice. Rinse well.
Saute the artichokes with a drizzle of olive oil flavored with garlic and chilli. Sfumateli with salt and a little 'white wine. Cook for about ten minutes.
Cut the cheese into very thin slices using a potato peeler.
Mix ricotta with grated pecorino, salt and pepper. Add to cream cheese cooked artichokes. Wet the bread quickly
carasau, line the bottom of a baking sheet and cover with wet and squeezed a layer of carasau, make a layer of cream cheese and artichokes, cover with cheese slices, and as you would lasagna to form 3 or 4 layers. Finish the dish with a layer of carasau bread brushed with olive oil, sprinkle with salt and oregano and bake at 180-200 degrees for 25 minutes, or until the surface is golden.

Now ............................................ .......... Ta-dan!! HE has arrived! After years and years of dreams, hopes and desires, since last night is HIM in my kitchen! It is not an easy subject to photograph, but here it is!

In all its glory His Majesty Mr. Thermomix is our home! Inaspettatissimo a fantastic gift of mine, who have staged myrtle to extrapolate code and intercom (smemorini. ..)
On Wednesday I told you it was a special day for his arrival, was in fact a lousy day and the courier has also cheat me without even a phone call ... And last night, when my nerves were through the roof because there were 2 additional hours of delay, has arrived! In fact, because
fatigue and flu have not yet begun to play with my bimbyno, I hope to recover over the weekend, while Lele's mission is spending tonight;)
Thanks Mom & Dad !

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Aristocrat Luggage Locks

Lasagne with saffron, spinach and gorgonzola. E 7 things about me ...

time influence, too much free time. What infinite boredom. I'm slightly better than Monday and have already stufissima star of doing nothing. Stove so that I do believe that deceive the time stretching, so perhaps the high fever burned me the last neuron healthy, if I chose to spend so my time ... But today is a wonderful day, my wait for the new super aiutante che vi presenterò a breve! Non sto nella pelle dalla gioia, ma dovrò attendere oltre le 17, visto che quando sono stata contattata dal corriere ero ancora semi-sana e ho preso appuntamento dopo l'orario lavoro... E visto quindi che sono qui ad annoiarmi sarò particolarmente logorroica oggi e soprattutto potrò finalmente " riscuotere " il premio che mi ha dedicato la dolcissima Crysania , visitate il suo blog perché ne vale la pena! Quindi grazie Crys :)

Le tre regole da seguire se si riceve questo premio sono:
- ringraziare chi te l'ha donato
- raccontare 7 cose su di sé
- girare il premio to 10 other blogs - here as they are in strategic delay and virtually all have already received from someone around who still do not have it and anyone who passes by here:) -
Hmmmm let's see ... 7 things about me ...
1) 28 year old, Sardinia - precisely quartese that she feels more Cagliari - Milan transplant at the tender age of 19 years for choosing to study in this city ... I do not know how he came to me this idea, but I had the ball out of the studies at 13 - 14 years.
2) I hate ironing with my whole being. I would like to know who is the idiot who invented the iron and why he did not. It could very well go around all wrinkled without scandal, so the iron does not would exist!
3) We have a tiny garden, but when I enter a shop autoconvinco plants I have acres and acres of land to cultivate and manage to convince Lele (not always though, sgrunt) the usefulness of all those lovely flowers and plants aromatic.
4) I miss the Poetto, the wonderful beach just a few miles of my house. I grew up going there at any season and now look at the sea 2 or 3 times a year is really sad.
5) I have an unhealthy relationship with the phone, call my a lot of times, I assume is to bridge the distance, but I need to always know everything. I am a daughter spaccaballe.
6) I am anxious for a delay of a few minutes I guess terrible disasters of any kind. The academic year provided for each exam days and days of tears, hysterical ... I should know, give me a set.
7) I love long walks with Lele, a time I loved the shopping center, now a thousand times prefer to walk in a park (even if the tops are walks along the shoreline)
Have you really read this far? You are able to resist? The influence me to justify what I wrote, right?!?! Let the lasagne
then ..
Although this recipe comes from my colleague Sara and her lovely cookbook. I made this lasagne
now several times and I assure you that they are really good, and very simple to prepare. Then personally
I love all the ingredients that make up, so I can not advise you! But they are not able to tell you the dose of lasagna, I make 3 layers of pasta and then I think you have used about 9 sheets, according to the regulator in your pan!

1 kg fresh spinach gorgonzola surgalati
qb (orientatevi according to your taste ... So much, so, so!)
1 liter of milk 2 sachets of saffron

50 g butter 50 g
flour grated Parmesan

Prepare the sauce by melting the butter in a thick-bottomed pan. Add the flour and mix well, adding slowly the warm milk. When you've poured all the milk add the saffron. Stir until the consistency is not too dense. Meanwhile
blanched spinach and squeeze the end of cooking well. Cut the Gorgonzola into small cubes.
Cover the bottom of the pan with the sauce, lay the sheets of pasta, cover with spinach and gorgonzola in tufts. Pour some of sauce and sprinkle (if you like) parmesan. Continue until you run out of ingredients, ending with layer of spinach, and gorgonzola sauce.
Bake at 180 degrees for about 30 minutes. To prevent the pasta from drying out excessively Cover the pan with aluminum foil, on which you have previously made some small holes with a toothpick, and delete a dozen di minuti prima di spegnere il forno.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Interesting Wedding Readings

rye bread with milk in my pantry

In questo periodo continuo a tirar fuori dalle mie mensole culinarie riviste datate, stupendomi del quantitativo di ricette che mi ispirano, e che da bravissima ragazza sto preparando. Così posso dire piena di orgoglio che continuare a comprare riviste e libri di cucina ha molto senso, perché pian piano eseguo tutto :-D e Lele non può più ribattere dicendo che tra poco usciremo da casa noi per far spazio a tutte le mie cose...
Qualche giorno fa ero intenta a sfogliare "Cucina no problem" di gennaio 2006 (questa rivista e Cucina Moderna sono le mie preferite) e la mia attenzione è stata catturata da questa ricetta. Then a few days later, as you know, I received the products Molino Chiavazza including mixture of rye bread, and as it happens - with my usual precision and ingenuity - pulling out of the box I was able to break the pack . So I had no more excuses, the flour was also open and I started to knead.
To make this bread you need a day home, as between one thing and another you get to six hours to rise.

400 grams rye flour (for me, as I said, this )

00 200 grams of flour 2 teaspoons active dry yeast 320 ml milk

tablespoon wildflower honey
extra virgin olive oil olive oil salt

Dissolve yeast and honey in 5 to 6 tablespoons of warm milk. Add 50 grams of rye flour and stir until blended. Set aside in a warm place for at least an hour.
Put the remaining rye flour (keep aside a tablespoon) and 00 flour in a bowl, incorporate the kneading yeast, a tablespoon of oil, a teaspoon of salt and the rest of the warm milk. Work the mixture well for 10 minutes, until mixture is firm that does not stick to hands. Form a ball, grease it with a little 'oil-slit cross and let it rise for at least two hours, covered with a damp cloth.
Take back the dough and knead for a few minutes on a floured surface, mash well and give it the shape of a loaf.
Sprinkle the bread with flour that had set aside, make 3 incisions on the surface and let it rise for 2 hours.
Bake at 180 to 200 degrees for 35 to 40 minutes, let cool completely before serving.
I used the default program of the oven for baking bread, I suggest you bake bread in the oven by placing a small bowl of water.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Tetralysal Secondary Effects

New Arrivals

too, in my small way, I started a couple of collaborations.
I chose products that already use for some time, given the fact that we like, and then some of them advise without mistakes.
Meet The first Molino Chiavazza , I use very often the meal, while I have not tried the dessert, now I have the chance to try these out will let you know that recipe will come out! I received a super package containing various flours: 00 wheat flour and flat bread pizza , mixture rye bread, flour antigrumi 00 (sorry but I can not find on the site anyway ... I have used here ) chickpea flour, durum wheat semolina .

The parcel contained also an interesting selection of dessert: fantasy cakes, cake yogurt, muffins and cookies , creme caramel, custard , chocolate mousse.

The second collaboration is with Rigoni di Asiago, which I love blueberry jam blacks, I think my absolute favorite. I found this company when I decided to buy jam without added sugar, plus they are also living. I have been honored with five fantastic jars Fiordifrutta: lemons, sour oranges , rosehip , cherries, peaches , plus a jar of nocciolata cocoa and hazelnut cream. What, I can not wait to have breakfast tomorrow morning! ;)

Third and final collaboration is with Ariosto, whom I know since I was a child, my mom used (and presumably still use) the Seasonings for beef roast, remember that the Henry bought directly from the butcher.

I hope I have not bored anyone, this space will never be overflowing di "pubblicità", ma collaborare con aziende che ho sempre stimato è per me un grande onore!
Buon week end a tutti!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Winnipeg, Hair Salon, African

plaice with orange and hazelnut

Mi ritrovo sommersa dalle arance senza saperne bene il motivo. Credo di aver fatto qualche errore di calcolo, per cui tutte queste arance iniziano a dare segno di stanchezza. Sto quindi iniziando a metterle un po' ovunque, torte, muffins, spremute da guinnes... Poi mi è venuto in mente che qualche tempo fa ho condito un carpaccio di tonno e spada con un'emulsione a base di arancia e limone che ho trovato davvero buono. Ho pensato quindi di usare le mie scorte arancioni per una cena un po' diversa... In frigo avevo anche della hazelnuts, enhanced by a sweet, I combined everything and come out a really nice dish. Hazelnuts have given it a bit 'of crispness, which contrasted with the softness of the plaice.

5 fillets of plaice
2 oranges
two tablespoons of hazelnuts
two tablespoons of flour

extra virgin olive oil salt pepper

Squeeze the oranges. Chop the hazelnuts and mix in the flour. Rinse and dry the fillets of plaice, pass them in the flour mixture and nuts and put them to fry in a large pan with a little oil. Cook for a few minutes and gently turn the fillets, with the aid of two pallets to prevent breaking them. As soon as the threads begin faded to brown with orange juice, strained, salt, pepper and cook for about ten minutes.

With this recipe I participate in the contest Cinzia

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Pokemon May

Falafel and hummus

for the first time I ate this dish from a "kebabaro" and I liked it right away. Moreover, now you understand that we really like vegetables ...
Since then I do often at home, so that some days ago when I told Lele menu for the evening said "Good! A traditional dish but always good." Per cui a quanto pare è nostra tradizione mangiare falafel e hummus.
Una cosa che adoro di questa ricetta è che in pochissimo tempo è pronta una cena gustosa e nutriente.
Ah ecco, in realtà le falafel si friggono, ma la mia crociata contro il fritto è sempre in atto. Queste polpettine si possono fare anche con le fave, o con un mix di ceci e fave, ma io a casa non le avevo.

Per le falafel :
300 gr di ceci in scatola
un mazzettino piccolo di prezzemolo
un cucchiaino di semi di coriandolo
un cucchiaino di cumino macinato
una piccola cipolla
un cucchiaio di olio extravergine d'oliva

Per l' hummus :
250 g canned chickpeas
a tablespoon of lemon tahini

a small clove of garlic salt

water as needed

Drain the beans from their liquid storage and rinse well. For
falafel :
Put all ingredients in food processor and chop until the mixture is homogeneous. With moistened hands, form small balls and place on a greased baking tray. Bake at 200 degrees for 15 to 20 minutes, turn halfway through cooking the falafel.
For ' hummus :
Squeeze the lemon. Blend the chickpeas with tahini, garlic. lemon and salt. Add as much water as needed to obtain a creamy mixture. Serve the falafel with

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Wishin To My G/f

Dulce de leche

I was planning to make this recipe for quite a while ... More precisely, the kitchen I asked on the forum I frequent back in February 2009 ... I have already said that besides a lot of recipes, no? But this is the proof that sooner or later I do ... Some earlier, some later, but I promise that by the age of 80 will try to do them all. O within 90 ... I'll have to find a home kitchen with the possibility ...
Returning to this sweet cream of South American origin, I tell you that I have done with the bread machine. Never again! Two cycles jam almost complete, for a total of just under 3 hours of cooking, but especially I had to request the intervention of Super Lele and his magic screwdriver, because the milk splashed everywhere, including inside of the lid of the machine, we had to dismount. In addition to the cooking chamber, so that at the start of heating there was a terrible stench. All this for a small jar of ciccionissima and luscious creamy sauce. The
will refer, not very short because I would never be wider than tall, but definitely prepare by cooking over a flame.

500 ml fresh whole milk 150 grams brown sugar vanilla pod

half a pinch of baking

Let cool milk. Add sugar, vanilla and baking soda e fate cuocere dolcemente, mescolando spesso.
Pian piano (molto piano, circa un'ora e mezzo) il latte assumerà un delicato color caramello e una consistenza cremosa, il dulce de leche sarà pronto.
Conservatelo in frigorifero in un barattolo di vetro.
Ho letto che il dulce de leche si conserva fino a due settimane, ma vista la dose ridotta di sicuro riuscite a finirlo in una settimana senza troppa fatica.
Buonissimo spalmato sul pane tostato a colazione, perversamente goloso con i grissini!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

How Do Sharks Use Cellular Respiration

Malloreddus with sausage, broccoli and saffron

Questi malloreddus sono nati in modo del tutto casuale, aprendo il freezer e vedendo cosa offriva per un veloce pranzo della domenica, una di quelle domeniche where you have a thousand things to do and have a complete meal in one dish makes life easier. The freezer
offering of frozen broccoli and chunks of sausage. In the pantry malloreddus hello hello were feeling neglected for too long and poppy seeds, bought in large doses for a dessert that eventually prepare, occupied too much space. Saffron
I added at mix the vegetables, I add a splash of color and flavor.
From this mix came out a very good main course, I overdid it a bit 'with the doses, wishing you eat 3.
If you do not like poppy seeds (or they're not) you can omit them and to explain how can you not love them!

250 to 400 grams of sausage malloreddus

300 grams of broccoli
1 ½ teaspoon poppy seeds 1 tablespoon grated pecorino

1 clove garlic 1 chilli

a white wine saffron salt

Fate for a couple of minutes poppy seeds in a pan without any seasoning and then set aside. Peel and cut the sausage into small pieces, sauté in a little olive oil with garlic and pepper and deglaze with white wine. Add the broccoli in the pan (if like me you had them frozen do not blanch, it will be more compact), salt and cook for about 15 minutes.
malloreddus Cook al dente, drain and toss with the dressing. Add the saffron dissolved in a drop of hot water, mix well adding the cheese. Completed with toasted poppy seeds.

With this recipe I participate in the contest Eleanor, main dish:

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Underfloor Heating Boat

octopus salad and radicchio

Another photo of "stolen" during the New Year dinner. Honestly, I recognize that it is one of the worst published, but never mind ...
This recipe comes from my mom, not that she has invented is very clear. Just my have enjoyed during a romantic dinner out (aaah 40 years of marriage and love it! * _ *) And she has played at home. By now a few years ago and is always delicious!
My mom always told me that in order to ensure that the squid remains tender is first passed in the freezer, that's why the recipe you will find a defrosted octopus. However, if you know suggeritemeli other tricks as well! :)

an octopus (defrosted) of about 1 kg
1 head radicchio
salt olive oil balsamic vinegar

In a pressure cooker put the octopus in cold water acidulated with a glass of white vinegar. calculated from 80 to 10 minutes of cooking from the whistle of the pot. Let the pot vents alone and let the octopus cool in its cooking water. Drain well octopus, skin and cut into slices. Wash the radicchio and cut it into very thin strips. Add the octopus and radicchio, season with salt and plenty of balsamic vinegar and extra virgin olive oil.

Monday, January 17, 2011

What Sizes Do Dereon Go To

orange marmalade and chocolate

in December in one of the many days at the Craft Fair, we bought a delicious chocolate and orange cream spread, one of those gems that are found only when you have these events and then you miss a whole year. So I got the ball to try to reproduce it at home. Actually bought the jar was more similar to Nutella having all the ingredients, but I have chosen to groped the way of the jam, though I remember well my first time with the tragic jam, prunes and bread machine, it's a long story and I will tell you only that the spoon closer to the jam has produced a sound similar to what a piece of metal thrown on marble ... A few days ago while risfogliavo a "no problem Kitchen" 3 years ago happened to me before the recipe for orange marmalade, so I decided to try the experiment, this time without the help of the bread machine with excellent results .

organic oranges 1 kg 600 grams of sugar
1 lemon
80 to 100 grams of dark chocolate 90% (you can also usarne alia, Lele did not like so much and I still enjoyed it recycled)

Chop the chocolate with the food processor and grind into small granules. Peel the oranges with a vegetable peeler, so you get only the orange part. I've got two bald, did not want to overdo it with zest. Cut the rind into thin strips and dip them in a pot full of cold water. Put the pan on the gas and cook for 10 minutes. Drain and rinse the peel and cook in boiling water for yet another 10 minutes. Drain them and discard the cooking water.
Peel oranges, removing the live well all the bitter white parts of the skin. Cut a pezzettoni e mettetele in un tegame dal fondo spesso insieme alle scorze e al succo del limone. Portate lentamente a ebollizione e cuocete a fuoco basso per 45 minuti, mescolando di tanto in tanto con un cucchiaio di legno. Aggiungete lo zucchero e mescolate bene, fate cuocere per altri 45 minuti. Circa dieci minuti prima di ultimare la cottura della marmellata aggiungete il cioccolato e mescolate bene.
Una volta pronta versate la marmellata calda nei vasetti di vetro (mettete un cucchiaio nel vasetto, in modo da assorbire l'eccesso di calore), chiudete con i coperchi e capovolgete i vasetti. Lasciate raffreddare.
La ricetta dice che la marmellata si conserva a temperatura ambiente per 4 - 5 mesi, non so se sia lo stesso con questa versione cioccolatosa, but I doubt that you will hold a closed jar for so long ....... ;)

With this recipe I participate in the contest Cinzia
