Sunday, January 30, 2011

Pokemon May

Falafel and hummus

for the first time I ate this dish from a "kebabaro" and I liked it right away. Moreover, now you understand that we really like vegetables ...
Since then I do often at home, so that some days ago when I told Lele menu for the evening said "Good! A traditional dish but always good." Per cui a quanto pare è nostra tradizione mangiare falafel e hummus.
Una cosa che adoro di questa ricetta è che in pochissimo tempo è pronta una cena gustosa e nutriente.
Ah ecco, in realtà le falafel si friggono, ma la mia crociata contro il fritto è sempre in atto. Queste polpettine si possono fare anche con le fave, o con un mix di ceci e fave, ma io a casa non le avevo.

Per le falafel :
300 gr di ceci in scatola
un mazzettino piccolo di prezzemolo
un cucchiaino di semi di coriandolo
un cucchiaino di cumino macinato
una piccola cipolla
un cucchiaio di olio extravergine d'oliva

Per l' hummus :
250 g canned chickpeas
a tablespoon of lemon tahini

a small clove of garlic salt

water as needed

Drain the beans from their liquid storage and rinse well. For
falafel :
Put all ingredients in food processor and chop until the mixture is homogeneous. With moistened hands, form small balls and place on a greased baking tray. Bake at 200 degrees for 15 to 20 minutes, turn halfway through cooking the falafel.
For ' hummus :
Squeeze the lemon. Blend the chickpeas with tahini, garlic. lemon and salt. Add as much water as needed to obtain a creamy mixture. Serve the falafel with

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Wishin To My G/f

Dulce de leche

I was planning to make this recipe for quite a while ... More precisely, the kitchen I asked on the forum I frequent back in February 2009 ... I have already said that besides a lot of recipes, no? But this is the proof that sooner or later I do ... Some earlier, some later, but I promise that by the age of 80 will try to do them all. O within 90 ... I'll have to find a home kitchen with the possibility ...
Returning to this sweet cream of South American origin, I tell you that I have done with the bread machine. Never again! Two cycles jam almost complete, for a total of just under 3 hours of cooking, but especially I had to request the intervention of Super Lele and his magic screwdriver, because the milk splashed everywhere, including inside of the lid of the machine, we had to dismount. In addition to the cooking chamber, so that at the start of heating there was a terrible stench. All this for a small jar of ciccionissima and luscious creamy sauce. The
will refer, not very short because I would never be wider than tall, but definitely prepare by cooking over a flame.

500 ml fresh whole milk 150 grams brown sugar vanilla pod

half a pinch of baking

Let cool milk. Add sugar, vanilla and baking soda e fate cuocere dolcemente, mescolando spesso.
Pian piano (molto piano, circa un'ora e mezzo) il latte assumerà un delicato color caramello e una consistenza cremosa, il dulce de leche sarà pronto.
Conservatelo in frigorifero in un barattolo di vetro.
Ho letto che il dulce de leche si conserva fino a due settimane, ma vista la dose ridotta di sicuro riuscite a finirlo in una settimana senza troppa fatica.
Buonissimo spalmato sul pane tostato a colazione, perversamente goloso con i grissini!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

How Do Sharks Use Cellular Respiration

Malloreddus with sausage, broccoli and saffron

Questi malloreddus sono nati in modo del tutto casuale, aprendo il freezer e vedendo cosa offriva per un veloce pranzo della domenica, una di quelle domeniche where you have a thousand things to do and have a complete meal in one dish makes life easier. The freezer
offering of frozen broccoli and chunks of sausage. In the pantry malloreddus hello hello were feeling neglected for too long and poppy seeds, bought in large doses for a dessert that eventually prepare, occupied too much space. Saffron
I added at mix the vegetables, I add a splash of color and flavor.
From this mix came out a very good main course, I overdid it a bit 'with the doses, wishing you eat 3.
If you do not like poppy seeds (or they're not) you can omit them and to explain how can you not love them!

250 to 400 grams of sausage malloreddus

300 grams of broccoli
1 ½ teaspoon poppy seeds 1 tablespoon grated pecorino

1 clove garlic 1 chilli

a white wine saffron salt

Fate for a couple of minutes poppy seeds in a pan without any seasoning and then set aside. Peel and cut the sausage into small pieces, sauté in a little olive oil with garlic and pepper and deglaze with white wine. Add the broccoli in the pan (if like me you had them frozen do not blanch, it will be more compact), salt and cook for about 15 minutes.
malloreddus Cook al dente, drain and toss with the dressing. Add the saffron dissolved in a drop of hot water, mix well adding the cheese. Completed with toasted poppy seeds.

With this recipe I participate in the contest Eleanor, main dish:

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Underfloor Heating Boat

octopus salad and radicchio

Another photo of "stolen" during the New Year dinner. Honestly, I recognize that it is one of the worst published, but never mind ...
This recipe comes from my mom, not that she has invented is very clear. Just my have enjoyed during a romantic dinner out (aaah 40 years of marriage and love it! * _ *) And she has played at home. By now a few years ago and is always delicious!
My mom always told me that in order to ensure that the squid remains tender is first passed in the freezer, that's why the recipe you will find a defrosted octopus. However, if you know suggeritemeli other tricks as well! :)

an octopus (defrosted) of about 1 kg
1 head radicchio
salt olive oil balsamic vinegar

In a pressure cooker put the octopus in cold water acidulated with a glass of white vinegar. calculated from 80 to 10 minutes of cooking from the whistle of the pot. Let the pot vents alone and let the octopus cool in its cooking water. Drain well octopus, skin and cut into slices. Wash the radicchio and cut it into very thin strips. Add the octopus and radicchio, season with salt and plenty of balsamic vinegar and extra virgin olive oil.

Monday, January 17, 2011

What Sizes Do Dereon Go To

orange marmalade and chocolate

in December in one of the many days at the Craft Fair, we bought a delicious chocolate and orange cream spread, one of those gems that are found only when you have these events and then you miss a whole year. So I got the ball to try to reproduce it at home. Actually bought the jar was more similar to Nutella having all the ingredients, but I have chosen to groped the way of the jam, though I remember well my first time with the tragic jam, prunes and bread machine, it's a long story and I will tell you only that the spoon closer to the jam has produced a sound similar to what a piece of metal thrown on marble ... A few days ago while risfogliavo a "no problem Kitchen" 3 years ago happened to me before the recipe for orange marmalade, so I decided to try the experiment, this time without the help of the bread machine with excellent results .

organic oranges 1 kg 600 grams of sugar
1 lemon
80 to 100 grams of dark chocolate 90% (you can also usarne alia, Lele did not like so much and I still enjoyed it recycled)

Chop the chocolate with the food processor and grind into small granules. Peel the oranges with a vegetable peeler, so you get only the orange part. I've got two bald, did not want to overdo it with zest. Cut the rind into thin strips and dip them in a pot full of cold water. Put the pan on the gas and cook for 10 minutes. Drain and rinse the peel and cook in boiling water for yet another 10 minutes. Drain them and discard the cooking water.
Peel oranges, removing the live well all the bitter white parts of the skin. Cut a pezzettoni e mettetele in un tegame dal fondo spesso insieme alle scorze e al succo del limone. Portate lentamente a ebollizione e cuocete a fuoco basso per 45 minuti, mescolando di tanto in tanto con un cucchiaio di legno. Aggiungete lo zucchero e mescolate bene, fate cuocere per altri 45 minuti. Circa dieci minuti prima di ultimare la cottura della marmellata aggiungete il cioccolato e mescolate bene.
Una volta pronta versate la marmellata calda nei vasetti di vetro (mettete un cucchiaio nel vasetto, in modo da assorbire l'eccesso di calore), chiudete con i coperchi e capovolgete i vasetti. Lasciate raffreddare.
La ricetta dice che la marmellata si conserva a temperatura ambiente per 4 - 5 mesi, non so se sia lo stesso con questa versione cioccolatosa, but I doubt that you will hold a closed jar for so long ....... ;)

With this recipe I participate in the contest Cinzia


Thursday, January 13, 2011

Ingredients Of Doritos Bbq

black rice salad with shrimp and vegetables, spices

Maybe this recipe is right for a little bit warmer seasons, like spring or even better the 'summer, but when prepared as a starter this season is fine. I prepared dinner for the New Year, and for the first time I dressed with a little 'soy sauce, which makes this dish even better! The public at large demand for my mother, who since has returned to Sardinia asks me if I put on the blog black rice, then my mom did not even look at the blog ......... :-D
What about this picture? Not good I know, but it's already a miracle that I managed to do it (well this time it was Lele).
Now I'll wait for the temperature below zero stop before repeating this salad, but I can not wait to taste it again, maybe in our micro micro wooden table in our garden is long * _ * I know, but Yesterday in the garden showed me two primrose yellow flowers, so soon will spring (or forced hospitalization for an ambulance ...)
Delusions aside, it is probably very good, eaten hot, should try ...

200 g black rice

2 courgettes 2 carrots 200 gr shrimp

extra virgin olive oil soy sauce salt

pepper Cook rice according to the times shown on the box. Thinly slice the zucchini and carrots and sauté in a pan for a few minutes with a little oil, will remain pretty firm. Blanch the prawns. Let cool to the vegetables and shrimp.
Drain the rice and cool them under running tap water, put it in a bowl with vegetables and shrimp, salt and pepper in moderation (I used a mix of spices for fish containing pepper), add a tablespoon of soy sauce, the 'oil and mix well. Cook the preparation for several hours before serving at room temperature (if stored in refrigerator at least an hour before take it out).

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Hamster Bleeding Hernia


These cookies were created to recycle an egg that was advanced in the fridge the day before because I felt bad throw. So I consulted a manual of biscuits and sweets, "and I chose the simple recipe for a pastry, but I wanted to smell a lot 'of spices, hence the name chosen for these tasty biscuits and crispy.
the end I used the famous egg, because I could come up with two fingers .... The top half is thickened, that impression! O_o
So no egg I replaced it with a tablespoon of milk. And I even decreased the butter, but I swear that one day I will really cookies that I had chosen.

200 grams of flour 70 g sugar 70 g butter

teaspoonful of baking powder

cardamom coriander powder
bourbon vanilla powder
allspice powder

cinnamon ginger nutmeg

Put the milk to taste

spices, flour, sugar and baking soda in a bowl and mix well. Add the butter, diced and processed by hand. Add 2 or 3 tablespoons milk until dough is quite compact.
Remove small pieces of pasta, rotolateli between your hands into balls, flatten them a bit 'and put them on a baking sheet covered with parchment paper. Bake at 180 degrees for about twenty minutes.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Ontario Liscense Plate Letter I

lace for the new year ... with much love ... Bookmark

Good evening and happy new year to all. For about a month I do not write anything but here is a new scheme all ready for you, This is a lace with hearts to be taken in filet, perhaps regarding S. Valentino (missing just over a month) or Mother's Day. What do you think?

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Convert Pocket Door To Regular Door

I like to browse through cookbooks. I also like to browse magazines kitchen. And I really enjoy wandering among the culinary blog. I like to watch photos and read the recipes. And this was a child (blog aside, these are a bit 'more recent)) but perhaps I had already told you.
But what happens is that every time I see an interesting recipe I want to do it and the fact somewhere. Then some still end up in obscurity and remain for years (I hope not forever) altre invece mi colpiscono così tanto che mi attrezzo e le riproduco subito.
Ecco questa ricetta fa parte della seconda categoria. Appena l'ho vista sul blog di Shade ho pensato che l'avrei dovuta fare al più presto, per cui appena ho avuto le mandorle mi sono buttata.
Devo dire che è una ricetta pericolosa... Talmente buona che si rischia di imbottirsi di mandorle pralinate in pochi minuti, per cui meglio farla in piccole dosi, o regalarle e tenerne un po'... O rassegnarsi e fingere che la vostra bilancia sia tarata male, perché no, non siete ingrassate per 2 mandorline!
Considerato che domani sarà la Befana se a casa avete delle mandorle potreste riempire le calze con queste piccole delizie.
Vi riporto le dosi che ho fatto io.

100 gr di mandorle sbucciate NON pelate
100 gr di zucchero
1/4 cucchiaino di cacao amaro
1 cucchiaino scarso di acqua

Mescolate lo zucchero e il cacao. Versate tutti gli ingredienti in una padella antiaderente. Armatevi di cucchiaio di legno e mescolate sempre. Pian piano lo zucchero inizierà a caramellare, mescolate sempre!!! Appena sentite che le vostre mandorle, ormai ricoperte di zucchero, iniziano a scoppiettare toglietele subito dal fuoco. Fatele raffreddare su un foglio di carta forno.

Assaggiate. Sono buonissime, no? *_* Ok, smettete di assaggiare!!!! :-D

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Progressivism Traditional Interpretation

almond praline cream of chick peas and beans with sausage and spinach chickpea

First good 2011 to you all! You are full of good intentions? I will, and I do not know how I can keep it until February ........ Vabbeh We spread a veil on this topic and talk about today's recipe!
Hmmm ... Maybe I should not tell the truth, maybe not all the truth ... But what can you do, I am a sincere person and I can not say that this dish came so just because I did not have enough beans, and then in desperation I jumped on the chickpeas. But sometimes the good providence leads us to new discoveries, and so it was. Lele poor but as soon as I told him that I had in mind to do a little something with sausage and beans, he owes me I have read in my mind and asked me not to make soups or creams, but I obviously have not heard, I cook the rest, and then .............. ;) Anyway at the end of dinner, I thanked her! I
This dish was inspired by order. In the end, is a dish very different from the original, but I told you that the basic idea involved only beans .... In addition, having arrived home close to dinner time I used the beans in a jar, they are too comfortable to not always have in the house! However, the end came this cream so good that I could not write it down and I've already done a second time.
Aesthetically it is not a chic flat, but close our eyes and open wide la bocca!

1 scatola di ceci
1 scatola di borlotti
200 gr di salsiccia
5 o 6 pomodori secchi
aglio e peperoncino
pepe bianco
olio extravergine d'oliva
vino bianco
sale o mezzo dado

Mettete i ceci nel tritatutto con circa un bicchiere d'acqua (non ho dosato con precisione regolatevi in modo da ottenere una consistenza abbastanza fluida) e frullate fino ad ottenere una crema granulosa. Mettete in una casseruola dal fondo spesso l'olio, l'aglio e peperoncino, i pomodori secchi tagliati in modo grossolano e fate rosolare. Eliminate la pelle della salsiccia e spezzettatela con le mani, aggiungetela in casseruola insieme ai borlotti ben drained from the liquid storage and blended with white wine. Stir often. After a few minutes, add the chickpeas, salted nuts Melt half (the preparation of its already very tasty, so really just a little salt) and cook covered for about ten minutes. Remove the lid and let cook for five minutes. Sprinkle with freshly ground white pepper and serve.