Sunday, December 26, 2010

Yellow Boogers Sore Throat

Pudding Biscuits with honey and vanilla

After a good Christmas? We are, and I am really happy. Santa Claus was generous? Brought you some useful gift to the culinary arts? To me, and I have already prepared a very sweet cake from a book received, of course soon on these screens:-D
The recipe that launched today is very simple and all things light enough to fit after Christmas, before the dinner bellyfuls. Coming from a newspaper that ran at work, I made some small change (the grated cheese and spices were not originally).

230 grams of chickpeas

3 eggs 1 cup heavy cream

4 cubes frozen spinach 2 tablespoons grated parmesan cheese and a half
2 tablespoons of grated hard cheese
nutmeg curry

salt Put the spinach in a suitable container in the microwave and cook for 5 minutes. Squeeze well and put in food processor along with the drained chickpeas. Pour ottenuto in una ciotola capiente, aggiungete un uovo per volta mescolando di continuo. Aggiungete la panna, i formaggi grattugiati, le spezie (io ho messo circa un cucchiaino di curry e una grattugiata di noce moscata) e il sale.
Imburrate 6 stampini monoporzione, cuocete a bagnomaria in forno a 180° per circa 35 minuti.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Japanese Tea House Plan Design

In questo periodo ho pochissimo tempo a disposizione e questo sarà l'ultimo post prima di Natale. Quindi ho cercato la foto più natalizia, per augurarvi a modo mio buone feste.
Continua l'imitazione biscotto. Ma devo dire che stavolta la ricetta si discosta tantissimo dall'originale, è tutt'altro biscotto. Sarebbero i tarallucci . I did not know they contained honey, you do not hear in industrial ones, while you feel the pleasant aftertaste in these patients. I changed the recipe slightly by adding the vanilla (among other things at the fair I bought a jar of 50 grams, so will end now absolutely everywhere)
prepare these cookies was a bit 'a nuisance, the amount of flour given to I was too little, or maybe my eggs xl greedy have wanted to brave more, however it took a while 'before the dough is workable. After so much "effort" are the result of baby biscuits much flavor (and also seen the molds used in the form I would say) and super inzuppevoli.

500g of 00 flour (I used 600)

200g sugar 100g margarine 2 eggs

a tablespoon of honey 1 tablespoon baking
a pinch of salt
teaspoon bourbon vanilla powder

with electric whips Cream margarine and sugar. Add the remaining ingredients, leaving the last flour and baking powder. Knead until dough is smooth and soft, add more flour if necessary, until the dough will stick more to the hands. Roll out a sheet 5 mm high and cut the cookies with stencils. Bake in oven at 180 ° C for 10 minutes on a baking sheet covered with parchment paper.
Very good Christmas!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Scabs In Nose And Infection

Cake with pumpkin and sausage

In the kitchen of Mau & Lele is continuing its campaign directed at pro pumpkin Lele. I do not know if you're starting to move anything but a few days ago, I redid these , who officially elect the best muffins (although there is a head to head with these ) and I told him freely, without strange subterfuge, that the next day I prepared a savory cake with pumpkin and sausage, and he did not bat an eyelid.
course, the way to the risotto with pumpkin is very steep and strewn with obstacles, but we may have started to follow it. I fear that instead of cream is a losing battle ..... And vabbeh be satisfied!
Returning to the cake .... In this period we have repeatedly visited the craft fair and bought salami tickled my imagination with the pumpkin (in reality I have used other salami ....). I did not want to look for recipes around and I did a terrible thing ... I left the aforementioned pumpkin muffins to upset and turn them into savory cake.
And that cake. I liked it a lot, and I also saw that Lele was made to pray for more bite slices.

cooked pumpkin 300 gr 200 gr flour 100 gr grated cheese

50 g salami 75 g chorizo \u200b\u200bsausage

white pepper, garlic and chili powder in a teaspoon of curry
100 gr

extra virgin olive oil 1 / 2 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon baking powder (not vanilla, please!)

1 teaspoon salt 2 tablespoons dry white wine to taste water

pumpkin seeds

Puree the pumpkin with oil, wine and a little water until smooth and creamy, add egg and stir quickly. Peel and slice the sausage (if using sausage-sized "normal" cut the slices into 4 sections). In a large bowl the flour, cheese, baking powder, baking soda, salt and spices and stir with a whisk to mix well. Add the sausage and stir. Pour the mixture into the bowl pumpkin, stir quickly with a fork, if the compound would be too thick add a little 'water (the dough at the end should still be substantial, why not add more than one glass of water.) covered with parchment paper Wet and squeeze a cake tin and pour the mixture. Garnish with pumpkin seeds and bake in a setting cold temperature of 170 °. Allow 30 minutes from reaching the firing temperature.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

How Can I Play My Ipod In My Fiesta

Good evening and good feast of all! How nice to spend an afternoon at home without going to work! Today we present the outline of a bookmark with a Christmas stocking, could be a gift for someone or for yourself, perhaps combined with a good book.
I hope you like it and I hope to make others.
Kisses to all.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Gameshark Emulator Cheats

Christmas Preparations for Christmas (Part IV)

not only for Christmas filet. Here is a new proposal: a ball, always pressed, to be achieved with the technique using peyote red beads and gold or other colors to decorate the Christmas tree. Take my advice and metallic colors, so it can sparkle with lights. I hope you enjoy it.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Revere Ware Pans Retail

Preaprativi for Christmas (part three)

Hi, as promised here is the key for another ball to the Christmas tree, this time with a star pattern, a so-called Norwegian Star, which often is seen also drawn on sweaters, but that is often used even in schemi dei centri natalizi a filet:

Per quanto riguarda i consigli relativi all'addobbo si rimanda al post precedente, quello con la pallina con il disegno a zig zag. Baci!

Sunday, November 14, 2010 Game

Preparations for Christmas (part two)

Buona domenica a tutti, ma soprattutto a chi segue questo blog. Siamo solo alla metà di Novembre, ma è già iniziata la solita corsa al Natale, ai regali e agli addobbi. Ringrazio chi ha commentato l'albero a filet del post precedente e aggiungo un nuovo schema: si tratta di una pallina ( che non è rotonda dato il tipo di lavorazione) a filet con un semplice zig zag.

I hope to make other arrangements such as this, perhaps by changing the design, because they are decorations that can be realized in many different colors and hang them just do a loop of chain in top, nothing more simple, then they are lightweight, do not weigh down the branches, they are cheap and, if they fall, do not break! But do not forget to harden, especially if you use the classic cotton crochet which is pretty soft. Good luck to all!

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Josh Hutcherson In Blue Boxerbriefs

Preparations for Christmas (part one)

The Christmas is coming, dear friends, including un mese sarà il giorno dell'Immacolata, quello in cui tradizionalmente si addobba la casa per il Natale.
Poteva mancare lo schema di qualche addobbo a filet per la mia festa preferita? Certo che no!
Comincio dallo schema di un albero di Natale da realizzare a filet con del cotone verde (o anche di un altro colore). Dato che è abbastanza grande, potrebbe essere un bel fuoriporta se realizzato con del filato più grosso. Sulla cima è possibile mettere una stella realizzata all'uncinetto o magari metallica da cucire come una paillette. Sulle palline è possibile ricamare a punto croce con del filato lurex oppure si possono cucire delle perline dai colori metallizzati. Insomma è personalizzabile come meglio preferite, e inoltre lo schema è semplice e adatto anche alle principianti.
Spero vi piaccia.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

My Eyeclops Projector Does Not Work

Favor for a first communion

Salve a tutti e buona domenica. Oramai scrivo solo di domenica, raramente in settimana, visto che da quando lavoro il tempo è poco. Il mio nuovo schema è un'altra bomboniera a sacchetto, stavolta per una prima comunione. Qualcuno penserà che il periodo delle comunioni è passato e che quello dell'anno prossimo è lontano, ma per realizzare wedding favors to hand it takes time, and it is better to go a bit 'before. Or not?
As always I hope it can be useful to someone. A kiss to all.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

How To Fix Broken Blood Vessel In Lip

Another blog on blogspot

Good evening everyone, here is the address of the new blog I am creating on blogspot
this blog will replace my first blog on Windows Live will close on October 30 without move to wordpress. In the new blog I had to start all over again and the move is long and slow, but you can already see something that was already present on the old blog and some news.
Come and see me and possibly to comment and support me, I'll wait! Kiss goodbye to the next post with a new scheme.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Dell Webcam Center Not Detecting

bib with lace teddy

Good evening to all, these days I was a bit 'cause I had no problems with the ADSL line, but now here I am with another scheme ever created by me.
Since I have received many requests to post the schema of the bib, I decided to make another, this time not personalized, suitable for boys and girls, with a picture of a cuddly teddy. I hope you enjoy it.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Dead Anniversary Card


E 'come the autumn, my favorite season, and I want to celebrate with you with a lace with many bunches of grapes.

I hope it is acceptable and it is especially useful.

A big kiss and good all weekend.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Drawing Of Skating Dress

Dedicated students

Gli schemi che vi propongo oggi (uso il plurale perchè sono due) sono dedicati un po' agli studenti, visto che in questi giorni è iniziata la scuola. Si tratta di due segnalibri a filet a forma di matita che potranno essere regalati a chi studia. Gli schemi sono simili, uno con i cuori e uno con uno zig zag.

Che ne dite?

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Sv12 Ssv1b Fastpitch Review

Tao peyote

Buon giorno a tutti, come vanno questi ultimi giorni d'estate?
Lo schema che vi propongo oggi è un tao da realizzare con la tecnica peyote:

tao Do you know what?
It is a symbol of Chinese philosophy that indicates the universe attravero the union and at the same time, the juxtaposition of two opposites and fundamental principles:

Yang, the positive principle, male, white
Yin, the negative principle, female, black

But, as you can see, neither parties is all white or all black, a little 'as in life nothing is completely positive or negative.
Today there are many variants of the Tao, but I wanted to bring the classic. You like it?
could be a pendant, or a beautiful brooch.
A salutone at all.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Can My 10 Year Old Take Mylanta?

Pizzo geometries

Today ends in August and with it the summer holidays. Although officially in the autumn we will be only three weeks, he recovered slowly the life of the time and will also take over the work at hand (this of course applies to those who abandoned them during the holidays not for me and for those who do not ever leave.).
And you, dear friends uncinettine, you're ready to start working on a lace top with geometric patterns?

would be nice for a towel, a sheet, a curtain, rug, tablecloth, a great center of linen. You can make it in any color, it will be good.
Kisses to all and good early September.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Has Anyone Built Donald Gardner House

Gift for a 18th birthday

These days I thought that with the technique of filet can be also make wedding favors such as mats and bags, after much consideration, the scheme has come out of this bag for a 18th birthday.

The scheme works in one piece, then fold in half and sew the sides reversed.
At the top I made sure he could pass a ribbon or cord to tighten the bag.
As it is for a birthday would be nice if the bags were made in many different colors, maybe to match the veils that will be placed in with the confetti.
after These bags can be filled with fragrant dried flowers and reused as a perfume scent drawers or closets, in fact, after so much effort to achieve them, it would be a shame to throw them away, right?
I hope you can help someone.
A salutone everyone!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Wall Switch 2 Black Wires 1 Red

fresh and delicious Bookmark

Good evening to you all, how was the mid-August? I hope well. For many people the holidays are over, but we're still in summer. What is the food of choice for major most people in the summer? I think the answer is ice cream (even though I eat it in winter while wearing the coat ...), so why not create a bookmark in the shape of ice cream cone?
I made for you this simple filet pattern:

It starts from the tip of the cone and work increases, the parts that stick out above (the ball of ice cream and the biscuit ) are processed separately
Needless to say, the result will be more refined if you will work with the thin cotton and crochet.
Good work and good evening.

Monday, August 9, 2010

What Is The New Poptropica

For August ... Bookmark with hearts

... a slice of watermelon? If done with the peyote technique you throughout the year and remember the beautiful summer days.

is the outline:

could be a brooch for the holiday bag, a keychain, a Phonestrap, if done with small beads, or, if they make two, a pair of playful earrings.


Thursday, August 5, 2010

I Closed My Business Could I Get Audit?

Oggi posto lo schema di un segnalibro con i cuori da realizzare a filet:

vi consiglio di realizzarlo con cotone e uncinetto sottile, per due motivi:

  • perchè altrimenti viene troppo grande

  • perche se è troppo spesso non va tanto bene tra le pagine dei libri.

Spero vi like it. Because it is fast to build might be good to mark the pages of the book you are reading this summer, or maybe it could be a nice gift for a friend reader.

I wish you a happy weekend

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Safari Theme Wording Invites

A warm sun

Dear friends, today ended the month of July, tomorrow begins what is usually seen as the highlight of the summer months, the month of August. So what's better than a sunny day to celebrate it, maybe made with the technique peyote?

is the outline:

Magari potreste usarlo per realizzare un bel ciondolo, oppure un bel paio di orecchini, per chi ama gli orecchini grandi, o un grazioso portachiavi... fate un po' voi! Io ho usato i colori che secondo me erano più adatti al soggetto, ma potete variarli un po' nei limiti del possibile, secondo i vostri gusti e le vostre esigenze, in fondo siete voi a creare!


Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Dog Nipples Are Swollen

Partition peyote bracelet with flower pattern

Un grosso ciao a tutti, lo schema di oggi è un tramezzo con i fiori da realizzare con la tecnica del filet all'uncinetto, ideale per un'asciugamano o per una tendina, o per quello che volete.
Potete realizzarlo nei classici colori bianco o ecrù, o, perchè no, in vivaci colori estivi come giallo, arancio o azzurro. Spero vi piaccia.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Retail Sales Commission Agreement


Un saluto a tutti, oggi vi posto lo schema di un braccialetto semplice da realizzare con la tecnica peyote. Data la stagione ho scelto colori adatti all'estate, ma, ovviamente potete usarne altri secondo i vostri gusti e potete allungare lo schema di base secondo la misura del vostro polso.

Vi auguro una buona domenica.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

How To Use Old Spice After Hours

bib pattern "Rosanna" I come

Ecco il bavaglino che ho realizzato qualche giorno fa per una neonata che si chiama Rosanna

ed ecco lo schema per realizzarlo :

Spero che possa essere utile a qualcuno!
A presto con qualche altro schema!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Best Grills For 300 Dollars

Menu Pasqua 2010

Aperitivo di benvenuto

La torta Pasqualina a modo nostro

Pomodoro camone in confit,
cagliata e lo scampo

Spaghetti alla chitarra vellutata di fave
e i frutti di mare

il Capretto cotto a bassa temperatura
con patate di montagna

Gelato alle mandorle
con la bavarese alla colomba

Acqua, caffè

Vini esclusi €40

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Region Unlock Sony Dvp-sr200p

Carta Marzo 2010


rabbit and tuna salad € 9.00

Battuta fassone, fondue Blue Lake Black € 10.00

chickpeas and scallops Colfiorito € 10.00

cod fish, and crisp sheets of olives tapinade € 10.00


Malfatti ragu of sausage and broccoli € 10.00

pizzoccheri our way € 10.00

Gragnano Spaghetti with garlic oil and chilli sea € 12.00

beetroot yogurt Ice cream of rice and prawn € 12.00

Main courses

Baccala salato da noi, vellutata di fagioli neri di Colfiorito € 14,00

Trancio di ricciola e il guazzetto di pomodorini confit € 14,00

Medaglione di stinco la sua salsa e la patata schiacciata € 14,00

Pancia di maialino da latte, mele profumate alla cannella € 14,00

palette of cheeses and jams of Black Lake € 10.00

tasting sesame

€ 28.00

chickpeas and scallops Colfiorito

Ice cream of rice

beetroot yogurt

Medallion of his shin sauce and mashed potato

Dessert Chef's choice

Drinks not