Thursday, December 11, 2008

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Istituto: S.M.S. “Armando Diaz” - Monterusciello - Pozzuoli
Classe: III A – sede succursale
Itinerario Scientifico: Centro Museale di Scienze Natural

REPORT The November 24, 2008 our class went to visit the Mineral Museum and Zoo, University of Naples "Federico II".
Science museums in the nineteenth century universities were established through cultural exchanges among scholars from Naples and in other cities. The scrolls and scientific campaigns were funded mostly by King Ferdinand IV of Bourbon, who in this way would enhance the exploitation of mineral resources. These museums
suffered much damage due to wars and all'incuria and some years ago but have been reorganized and are now again open to the public.

Mineral Museum was inaugurated in March 1801 and covers an area of \u200b\u200babout 800m2.
Upon entering the large hall we were struck by the large amount of rocks preserved in large side windows and on numerous boards stations. Some of us have begun to turn curious to observe the mineral. The guide told us that they are arranged in ascending order according to their chemical compounds. In a room at the bottom are exposed lava rock from Mount Vesuvius. In particular, we have hit the 'bombs', huge boulders from the volcano erupted. But the thing that intrigued us most were the strange shapes made by the lava when it is hardened. After we came back into the main hall and watched more carefully some minerals, such as those of sulfur, especially from yellow (thank goodness he did not feel their typical smell!), gold and silver, diamonds and other precious stones of various colors. Finally we saw the huge pair of quartz crystals of about half a ton from Madagascar who are now the symbol of the museum. In the same room we also saw the rocks that we definitely have hit more: the fluorite that have the particularity to take fluorescent colors when hit by light.

After we went to visit the museum of zoology, which occupies an area of \u200b\u200bapproximately 1000m2. There are several collections of vertebrates (about 2000 specimens), birds (about 3,000 copies), the shells Mediterranean and exotic corals and sponges, insects (about 30000 copies). What impressed us the most were the skeletons that occupy the center of the room, especially that of the 'elephant in Portici, "which belonged to King Charles of Bourbon, and that of" whale of Taranto, one copy of Whale captured in the northern Mediterranean. Looking at the whale as we could see the original front legs have been transformed into fins: as is known, in fact, the whale is not a fish but a mammal that has adapted to marine life.
We were also able to observe numerous species of birds, from the great ostrich to the tiny hummingbird. Some of us are rimasti molto impressionati anche da un’intera famiglia di leoni imbalsamati. Altri invece si sono meravigliati quando hanno scoperto una vetrina contenente alcuni animali malformati, come un vitello a due teste e un agnello con due zampe anche sul dorso.
Questa esperienza per noi è stata molto istruttiva e produttiva, grazie anche alla disponibilità del personale dell’Università che ci ha accompagnato, rispondendo alle nostre domande e facendoci comprendere tutto quello che ci è stato mostrato durante la visita.


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