Monday, December 15, 2008

Two Black Circles On Lcd Tv


Monday, 'Nov. 24, according to the agreements made by our school with the City of Science, under the Remote Future survey 2008 - Itineraries science, we went at the Faculty of Natural Sciences of 'University of Naples Federico II, stationed in Monte Sant'Angelo, via Cintia.

Alle ore 10.30, il nostro accompagnatore, dott. Salatiello, ci ha presentati al prof. Longo, che ci ha fatto accomodare in un'auletta per parlare delle attività di ricerca in essere in alcuni settori, dell'impegno necessario e degli sbocchi professionali che una laurea in Fisica offre.

Siamo rimasti tutti colpiti dalla professionalità del Professore, molto esplicito e deciso e soprattutto dal suo ribadire che le ore di studio necessarie per avere frutti dal proprio lavoro di studente, dovranno lasciare poco spazio alla vita privata...! L'ambiente scientifico, nelle sue parole,ci è parso molto competitivo, ma anche appagante per chi è animated by a strong passion for research. Visiting laboratories gray and dusty, we met people "different" than usual, almost surprised by our visit, they were so immersed in their work, but talking about it more and more impassioned in telling the objectives of their research and the difficulties in the field trying to move too. The limits that we felt a glimpse of the organization of the course are not all that we have been able to really listen to the researchers, squeezed between desks, furniture, lamps, chairs ... Speaking of chairs, there were just a few ...! Eventually, after hours of laps on corridors and rooms, we sat down to rest on the stairs ... ... and reflect on our future. Many of us will attend college next year and maybe will turn to those same corridors with a different awareness!


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