Monday, December 15, 2008

Blisters On A Bulldogs Butt

Report Isis Mazzini 1, B Vesuvius Observatory

On Saturday, November 22, la classe 1B dell’istituto G. Mazzini, si è recata all’osservatorio vesuviano, uno dei più importanti centri di ricerca scientifica in ambito vulcanologico nel mondo e in Campania. L’osservatorio vesuviano si trova ai piedi del Vesuvio ed è stato fondato nel 1841 da Macedonio Melloni che fu anche il primo direttore. L’osservatorio è formato da numerose sale: nella prima, la sala Mercalli, si trovano strumenti per monitorare l’attività del Vesuvio, messi a punto da Luigi Palmieri, il quale inventò il sismografo elettromagnetico e diede un grande contributo alle conoscenze dei fenomeni sismici. I

n un’altra sala abbiamo visto i resti di esplosioni vulcaniche (bombe vulcaniche). Our guide, a PhD in volcanology, explained that the color depends on the quality of volcanic bombs of the magma. We have learned that the bombs reach distances of greater magnitude smaller than the lapilli and bombs of smaller size that are incurred by the wind, reach greater distances, we have also explained the difference between those explosive and effusive eruptions. In effusive eruptions, the magma is converted into lava, while in the magma is fragmented by the explosive gas. Then we saw a movie on the eruption of a volcano in contact with water (hydromagmatic eruption). From this movie we understand the destructive consequences of an outbreak, we learned differences between Strombolian eruptions, Vesuvius, Plinian Volcanic. In the first eruption of the volcano "shoot" the bomb crater. Vesuvian eruptions are a mix of all three eruptions, while the 'volcanic eruption is very noisy. If the density of the eruption column is lower than that of the atmosphere, the gases and the finest particles reach up to 50 km, giving rise to the Plinian eruptions. We were very impressed by the power of these eruptions and the damage they may cause.

The volcanologist, said that there are many volcanoes, including the layer of the mantle and crust, a layer of limestone that slides each year Vesuvius an inch to the sea in fact according to recent studies, including 10,000 years will be in water.

We then went into a room where we saw the movie on the history and evolution of Vesuvius. This argument has particularly affected because we realized that we live in close contact with one of the most dangerous phenomena in the world. In our opinion, this activity has been very instructive in how we have deepened our understanding of volcanic and seismic phenomena. In our opinion, the Vesuvius Observatory is one of the most important scientific centers in Italy. But the organization has not been very efficient poichè abbiamo incominciato il nostro tour dall’ultima sala e non abbiamo avuto modo di recarci nelle altre stanze per ricavare più informazioni e alimentare le nostre conoscenze In più non abbiamo avuto l’occasione di osservare personalmente il Vesuvio poichè non avevamo più tempo e non era stato programmato nella visita guidata. Speriamo di poterci recare nuovamente all’osservatorio vesuviano in quanto lo riteniamo molto importante per arricchire il nostro bagaglio culturale.


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