Mi ritrovo sommersa dalle arance senza saperne bene il motivo. Credo di aver fatto qualche errore di calcolo, per cui tutte queste arance iniziano a dare segno di stanchezza. Sto quindi iniziando a metterle un po' ovunque, torte, muffins, spremute da guinnes... Poi mi è venuto in mente che qualche tempo fa ho condito un carpaccio di tonno e spada con un'emulsione a base di arancia e limone che ho trovato davvero buono. Ho pensato quindi di usare le mie scorte arancioni per una cena un po' diversa... In frigo avevo anche della hazelnuts, enhanced by a sweet, I combined everything and come out a really nice dish. Hazelnuts have given it a bit 'of crispness, which contrasted with the softness of the plaice.
5 fillets of plaice
2 oranges
two tablespoons of hazelnuts
two tablespoons of flour
extra virgin olive oil salt pepper
Squeeze the oranges. Chop the hazelnuts and mix in the flour. Rinse and dry the fillets of plaice, pass them in the flour mixture and nuts and put them to fry in a large pan with a little oil. Cook for a few minutes and gently turn the fillets, with the aid of two pallets to prevent breaking them. As soon as the threads begin faded to brown with orange juice, strained, salt, pepper and cook for about ten minutes.
5 fillets of plaice
2 oranges
two tablespoons of hazelnuts
two tablespoons of flour
extra virgin olive oil salt pepper
Squeeze the oranges. Chop the hazelnuts and mix in the flour. Rinse and dry the fillets of plaice, pass them in the flour mixture and nuts and put them to fry in a large pan with a little oil. Cook for a few minutes and gently turn the fillets, with the aid of two pallets to prevent breaking them. As soon as the threads begin faded to brown with orange juice, strained, salt, pepper and cook for about ten minutes.
With this recipe I participate in the contest Cinzia
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