time influence, too much free time. What infinite boredom. I'm slightly better than Monday and have already stufissima star of doing nothing. Stove so that I do believe that deceive the time stretching, so perhaps the high fever burned me the last neuron healthy, if I chose to spend so my time ... But today is a wonderful day, my wait for the new super aiutante che vi presenterò a breve! Non sto nella pelle dalla gioia, ma dovrò attendere oltre le 17, visto che quando sono stata contattata dal corriere ero ancora semi-sana e ho preso appuntamento dopo l'orario lavoro... E visto quindi che sono qui ad annoiarmi sarò particolarmente logorroica oggi e soprattutto potrò finalmente " riscuotere " il premio che mi ha dedicato la dolcissima Crysania , visitate il suo blog perché ne vale la pena! Quindi grazie Crys :)

Le tre regole da seguire se si riceve questo premio sono:
- ringraziare chi te l'ha donato
- raccontare 7 cose su di sé
- girare il premio to 10 other blogs - here as they are in strategic delay and virtually all have already received from someone around who still do not have it and anyone who passes by here:) -
Hmmmm let's see ... 7 things about me ...
1) 28 year old, Sardinia - precisely quartese that she feels more Cagliari - Milan transplant at the tender age of 19 years for choosing to study in this city ... I do not know how he came to me this idea, but I had the ball out of the studies at 13 - 14 years.
2) I hate ironing with my whole being. I would like to know who is the idiot who invented the iron and why he did not. It could very well go around all wrinkled without scandal, so the iron does not would exist!
3) We have a tiny garden, but when I enter a shop autoconvinco plants I have acres and acres of land to cultivate and manage to convince Lele (not always though, sgrunt) the usefulness of all those lovely flowers and plants aromatic.
4) I miss the Poetto, the wonderful beach just a few miles of my house. I grew up going there at any season and now look at the sea 2 or 3 times a year is really sad.
5) I have an unhealthy relationship with the phone, call my a lot of times, I assume is to bridge the distance, but I need to always know everything. I am a daughter spaccaballe.
6) I am anxious for a delay of a few minutes I guess terrible disasters of any kind. The academic year provided for each exam days and days of tears, hysterical ... I should know, give me a set.
7) I love long walks with Lele, a time I loved the shopping center, now a thousand times prefer to walk in a park (even if the tops are walks along the shoreline)
Have you really read this far? You are able to resist? The influence me to justify what I wrote, right?!?! Let the lasagne
then ..
Although this recipe comes from my colleague Sara and her lovely cookbook. I made this lasagne
now several times and I assure you that they are really good, and very simple to prepare. Then personally
I love all the ingredients that make up, so I can not advise you! But they are not able to tell you the dose of lasagna, I make 3 layers of pasta and then I think you have used about 9 sheets, according to the regulator in your pan!
1 kg fresh spinach gorgonzola surgalati
qb (orientatevi according to your taste ... So much, so, so!)
1 liter of milk 2 sachets of saffron
50 g butter 50 g
flour grated Parmesan
Prepare the sauce by melting the butter in a thick-bottomed pan. Add the flour and mix well, adding slowly the warm milk. When you've poured all the milk add the saffron. Stir until the consistency is not too dense. Meanwhile
blanched spinach and squeeze the end of cooking well. Cut the Gorgonzola into small cubes.
Cover the bottom of the pan with the sauce, lay the sheets of pasta, cover with spinach and gorgonzola in tufts. Pour some of sauce and sprinkle (if you like) parmesan. Continue until you run out of ingredients, ending with layer of spinach, and gorgonzola sauce.
Bake at 180 degrees for about 30 minutes. To prevent the pasta from drying out excessively Cover the pan with aluminum foil, on which you have previously made some small holes with a toothpick, and delete a dozen di minuti prima di spegnere il forno.
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