Dopo una sfilza di dolci è giunto il momento di cambiare un po', per cui ecco un po' di pagnotte morbide e buonissime.
Sapete che questa è la primissima ricetta con cui mi sono cimentata anni fa nella preparazione bread? And has been for a long time the only bread that came out of the oven scarfusissimo the house that I shared with other students. Then came the bread machine and I have tried many other recipes. But this has remained in my heart, even if now to be more reliable early the first mixture to the machine.
a cube of yeast 1 teaspoon sugar
200 ml lukewarm water 250 g canned chickpeas
0 650 grams of flour 2 to 3 teaspoons salt 5 tablespoons extra virgin
Spezzetate the yeast and dissolve in 100 ml of water with the sugar. Drain the chickpeas well
from fluid retention, rinse with water and shake it left. Pour the flour into a large bowl with the salt, wheat, chickpea purée and oil. Stir with a wooden spoon until all the flour has been almost completely absorbed. Flour a work surface and knead the dough lavoratevi long hand. (Here I stopped, you want to put the convenience of being able to do in the meantime? I like to mix, but my pace of life will not follow all of my passions).
When the pasta is ready put it to rest in a very clean bowl and cover with a cloth. Let rise for at least an hour and a half. Take back the dough and knead for two minutes on a floured surface. Form a 15 to 20 loaves the same size and grease it lightly on the surface. Score the top with a serrated knife, forming a cross. Put the loaves to rest on two baking sheets covered with parchment paper and let rise for an hour, or until their volume will not be doubled. Bake at 180 degrees for half an hour.
(The last time I tested the program on my bread oven, if you recommend it, never had so perfect sandwiches!)
With this recipe I would like to participate in the contest to Sonia, the "respectable Contest", a great and commendable initiative, I suggest you go directly to the post dedicated to the contest to read what it is and I invite you to participate in numerous, it is a really good cause.

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