I was planning to make this recipe for quite a while ... More precisely, the kitchen I asked on the forum I frequent back in February 2009 ... I have already said that besides a lot of recipes, no? But this is the proof that sooner or later I do ... Some earlier, some later, but I promise that by the age of 80 will try to do them all. O within 90 ... I'll have to find a home kitchen with the possibility ...
Returning to this sweet cream of South American origin, I tell you that I have done with the bread machine. Never again! Two cycles jam almost complete, for a total of just under 3 hours of cooking, but especially I had to request the intervention of Super Lele and his magic screwdriver, because the milk splashed everywhere, including inside of the lid of the machine, we had to dismount. In addition to the cooking chamber, so that at the start of heating there was a terrible stench. All this for a small jar of ciccionissima and luscious creamy sauce. The
will refer, not very short because I would never be wider than tall, but definitely prepare by cooking over a flame.
500 ml fresh whole milk 150 grams brown sugar vanilla pod
half a pinch of baking
Let cool milk. Add sugar, vanilla and baking soda e fate cuocere dolcemente, mescolando spesso.
Pian piano (molto piano, circa un'ora e mezzo) il latte assumerĂ un delicato color caramello e una consistenza cremosa, il dulce de leche sarĂ pronto.
Conservatelo in frigorifero in un barattolo di vetro.
Ho letto che il dulce de leche si conserva fino a due settimane, ma vista la dose ridotta di sicuro riuscite a finirlo in una settimana senza troppa fatica.
Buonissimo spalmato sul pane tostato a colazione, perversamente goloso con i grissini!
Returning to this sweet cream of South American origin, I tell you that I have done with the bread machine. Never again! Two cycles jam almost complete, for a total of just under 3 hours of cooking, but especially I had to request the intervention of Super Lele and his magic screwdriver, because the milk splashed everywhere, including inside of the lid of the machine, we had to dismount. In addition to the cooking chamber, so that at the start of heating there was a terrible stench. All this for a small jar of ciccionissima and luscious creamy sauce. The
will refer, not very short because I would never be wider than tall, but definitely prepare by cooking over a flame.
500 ml fresh whole milk 150 grams brown sugar vanilla pod
half a pinch of baking
Let cool milk. Add sugar, vanilla and baking soda e fate cuocere dolcemente, mescolando spesso.
Pian piano (molto piano, circa un'ora e mezzo) il latte assumerĂ un delicato color caramello e una consistenza cremosa, il dulce de leche sarĂ pronto.
Conservatelo in frigorifero in un barattolo di vetro.
Ho letto che il dulce de leche si conserva fino a due settimane, ma vista la dose ridotta di sicuro riuscite a finirlo in una settimana senza troppa fatica.
Buonissimo spalmato sul pane tostato a colazione, perversamente goloso con i grissini!
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