Sunday, January 2, 2011

Progressivism Traditional Interpretation

almond praline cream of chick peas and beans with sausage and spinach chickpea

First good 2011 to you all! You are full of good intentions? I will, and I do not know how I can keep it until February ........ Vabbeh We spread a veil on this topic and talk about today's recipe!
Hmmm ... Maybe I should not tell the truth, maybe not all the truth ... But what can you do, I am a sincere person and I can not say that this dish came so just because I did not have enough beans, and then in desperation I jumped on the chickpeas. But sometimes the good providence leads us to new discoveries, and so it was. Lele poor but as soon as I told him that I had in mind to do a little something with sausage and beans, he owes me I have read in my mind and asked me not to make soups or creams, but I obviously have not heard, I cook the rest, and then .............. ;) Anyway at the end of dinner, I thanked her! I
This dish was inspired by order. In the end, is a dish very different from the original, but I told you that the basic idea involved only beans .... In addition, having arrived home close to dinner time I used the beans in a jar, they are too comfortable to not always have in the house! However, the end came this cream so good that I could not write it down and I've already done a second time.
Aesthetically it is not a chic flat, but close our eyes and open wide la bocca!

1 scatola di ceci
1 scatola di borlotti
200 gr di salsiccia
5 o 6 pomodori secchi
aglio e peperoncino
pepe bianco
olio extravergine d'oliva
vino bianco
sale o mezzo dado

Mettete i ceci nel tritatutto con circa un bicchiere d'acqua (non ho dosato con precisione regolatevi in modo da ottenere una consistenza abbastanza fluida) e frullate fino ad ottenere una crema granulosa. Mettete in una casseruola dal fondo spesso l'olio, l'aglio e peperoncino, i pomodori secchi tagliati in modo grossolano e fate rosolare. Eliminate la pelle della salsiccia e spezzettatela con le mani, aggiungetela in casseruola insieme ai borlotti ben drained from the liquid storage and blended with white wine. Stir often. After a few minutes, add the chickpeas, salted nuts Melt half (the preparation of its already very tasty, so really just a little salt) and cook covered for about ten minutes. Remove the lid and let cook for five minutes. Sprinkle with freshly ground white pepper and serve.


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