in December in one of the many days at the Craft Fair, we bought a delicious chocolate and orange cream spread, one of those gems that are found only when you have these events and then you miss a whole year. So I got the ball to try to reproduce it at home. Actually bought the jar was more similar to Nutella having all the ingredients, but I have chosen to groped the way of the jam, though I remember well my first time with the tragic jam, prunes and bread machine, it's a long story and I will tell you only that the spoon closer to the jam has produced a sound similar to what a piece of metal thrown on marble ... A few days ago while risfogliavo a "no problem Kitchen" 3 years ago happened to me before the recipe for orange marmalade, so I decided to try the experiment, this time without the help of the bread machine with excellent results .

organic oranges 1 kg 600 grams of sugar
1 lemon
80 to 100 grams of dark chocolate 90% (you can also usarne alia, Lele did not like so much and I still enjoyed it recycled)
Chop the chocolate with the food processor and grind into small granules. Peel the oranges with a vegetable peeler, so you get only the orange part. I've got two bald, did not want to overdo it with zest. Cut the rind into thin strips and dip them in a pot full of cold water. Put the pan on the gas and cook for 10 minutes. Drain and rinse the peel and cook in boiling water for yet another 10 minutes. Drain them and discard the cooking water.
Peel oranges, removing the live well all the bitter white parts of the skin. Cut a pezzettoni e mettetele in un tegame dal fondo spesso insieme alle scorze e al succo del limone. Portate lentamente a ebollizione e cuocete a fuoco basso per 45 minuti, mescolando di tanto in tanto con un cucchiaio di legno. Aggiungete lo zucchero e mescolate bene, fate cuocere per altri 45 minuti. Circa dieci minuti prima di ultimare la cottura della marmellata aggiungete il cioccolato e mescolate bene.
Una volta pronta versate la marmellata calda nei vasetti di vetro (mettete un cucchiaio nel vasetto, in modo da assorbire l'eccesso di calore), chiudete con i coperchi e capovolgete i vasetti. Lasciate raffreddare.
La ricetta dice che la marmellata si conserva a temperatura ambiente per 4 - 5 mesi, non so se sia lo stesso con questa versione cioccolatosa, but I doubt that you will hold a closed jar for so long ....... ;)
With this recipe I participate in the contest Cinzia
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