The OAC is one of 12 observatories which, together with 4 Institute of Space Astrophysics, is part of the National Institute of Astrophysics - INAF - the main Italian institution for astronomical research and astrophysics from the ground and from space.
In 1819, the year of foundation of the Astronomical Observatory of Capodimonte, Naples 4 astronomers working in the observatory and many technicians. Today, working in various research activities, employs over 70 people including researchers, students and contract staff, also 40 units of technical personnel and administration, contributing to the functioning of the Institute and to promote knowledge of astronomy in the school and society.
arrived we were welcomed to the Centre by Professor Errico, who explained to us the history of the structure: think of the state's duty to provide education and incentives for the research through a precise correspondence between the academic and socio-economic reality of the country, Joachim Murat, who succeeded Joseph Bonaparte in 1809, he wanted at all costs the establishment of the Zoological Museum and the Astronomical Observatory, which occurred in 1812.
Today, after almost two centuries marked by important research and scientific discoveries, which have played a key role illustrious names of Italian science, the OAC may be numbered among the most active and prestigious international institutions.
After a brief introduction to the work degli astrofisici e degli ingegneri impegnati nell’osservatorio, noi alunni abbiamo interagito con il professor Errico, ponendogli i nostri quesiti, riguardanti gli ambiti più disparati, spaziando dalle domande sull’origine del cosmo, alla probabilità di incontrare altre forme di vita intelligente nel corso dei prossimi anni. Sono stati altresì posti interrogativi circa il misterioso “Pianeta X” e la definizione di pianeta, ancora oggetto di discussione, oltreché domande molto specialistiche di astrofisica che riguardavano la materia oscura dell’universo, i buchi neri, corpi celesti misteriosi ancora oggi.
In seguito alla conferenza ci sono state illustrate le attività che si svolgono presso the observatory. It, along with the other 11 observers distributed mainly in central and northern Italy and 4 institutes of the CNR, is now part of the National Institute of Astrophysics. Besides dealing with research and technology, the OAC helps university and post-graduate education of young people working with universities in Campania, the professional status of physicists and engineers at a European standard and dialogue with civil society to understand, through the seduction of the sky, the beauty of science.
A Capodimonte is continuing to study the complex solar car, true laboratory of modern physics, and the environment surrounding the star - especially comets and cosmic dust - We investigate the properties and mechanisms of evolution of stars, galaxies are observed to know the ingredients, visible and obscure, interactions and modes of aggregation, to measure the distances, with the ultimate goal of knowing how the universe has evolved over the course of 15 billion years.
In conclusion, the visit, in our opinion, proved to be very constructive, especially because it allowed us to approach the subject, at times rather abstract and difficult to understand for our students, in a practical and functional learning quest 'last.
only flaw is, unfortunately, was the fact that, due to unfavorable conditions astronomical, it is not could clearly observe the sun, the pivot of our business.
Istituto Superiore Statale G. Mazzini - Naples
Class VB
In 1819, the year of foundation of the Astronomical Observatory of Capodimonte, Naples 4 astronomers working in the observatory and many technicians. Today, working in various research activities, employs over 70 people including researchers, students and contract staff, also 40 units of technical personnel and administration, contributing to the functioning of the Institute and to promote knowledge of astronomy in the school and society.
arrived we were welcomed to the Centre by Professor Errico, who explained to us the history of the structure: think of the state's duty to provide education and incentives for the research through a precise correspondence between the academic and socio-economic reality of the country, Joachim Murat, who succeeded Joseph Bonaparte in 1809, he wanted at all costs the establishment of the Zoological Museum and the Astronomical Observatory, which occurred in 1812.
Today, after almost two centuries marked by important research and scientific discoveries, which have played a key role illustrious names of Italian science, the OAC may be numbered among the most active and prestigious international institutions.
After a brief introduction to the work degli astrofisici e degli ingegneri impegnati nell’osservatorio, noi alunni abbiamo interagito con il professor Errico, ponendogli i nostri quesiti, riguardanti gli ambiti più disparati, spaziando dalle domande sull’origine del cosmo, alla probabilità di incontrare altre forme di vita intelligente nel corso dei prossimi anni. Sono stati altresì posti interrogativi circa il misterioso “Pianeta X” e la definizione di pianeta, ancora oggetto di discussione, oltreché domande molto specialistiche di astrofisica che riguardavano la materia oscura dell’universo, i buchi neri, corpi celesti misteriosi ancora oggi.
In seguito alla conferenza ci sono state illustrate le attività che si svolgono presso the observatory. It, along with the other 11 observers distributed mainly in central and northern Italy and 4 institutes of the CNR, is now part of the National Institute of Astrophysics. Besides dealing with research and technology, the OAC helps university and post-graduate education of young people working with universities in Campania, the professional status of physicists and engineers at a European standard and dialogue with civil society to understand, through the seduction of the sky, the beauty of science.
A Capodimonte is continuing to study the complex solar car, true laboratory of modern physics, and the environment surrounding the star - especially comets and cosmic dust - We investigate the properties and mechanisms of evolution of stars, galaxies are observed to know the ingredients, visible and obscure, interactions and modes of aggregation, to measure the distances, with the ultimate goal of knowing how the universe has evolved over the course of 15 billion years.
In conclusion, the visit, in our opinion, proved to be very constructive, especially because it allowed us to approach the subject, at times rather abstract and difficult to understand for our students, in a practical and functional learning quest 'last.
only flaw is, unfortunately, was the fact that, due to unfavorable conditions astronomical, it is not could clearly observe the sun, the pivot of our business.
Istituto Superiore Statale G. Mazzini - Naples
Class VB
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