Noi ragazzi della 4 A vogliamo raccontarvi una delle ultime iniziative in cui è stata coinvolta la nostra classe. Si tratta di una nuova attività, “scienziato per un giorno”, che si è svolta in varie fasi. In tutte le tappe di questo percorso siamo stati accompagnati da due giornalisti scientifici e dalla nostra insegnante.
Grazie a questa iniziativa abbiamo avuto la possibilità di conoscere una nuova branca of science: cybernetics.
This has been very significant for us because it has shown in practice that a lot of knowledge, like mathematics, biology, chemistry, physics are closely linked and interdependent. We also found areas of application for us unthinkable that belong to our everyday life. The scientists then markedly practical and are closer to us than is commonly imagined. The meeting with journalists prior to the visit to the laboratories, has whet our curiosity aroused high expectations with positive implications about our future choices in university-business.
Day November 25 came to the laboratories of CNR, located in Pozzuoli, in accordance with the last stage of training, we have witnessed an interesting and exciting conference in which, in particular, were analyzed sophisticated SQUID magnetic sensors known as: their conception and design to their application function. Thanks to this we had the unique opportunity to meet in person one of the scientists and researchers to European centers of excellence. The meeting allowed us to dispel the stereotypes: first, scientists, considered as persons living in their own world, actually have a life like that of any other animated only by a greater desire to know the outside world and give answers, and secondly we tend to think that the use and design of these technological devices only happen abroad, while the center of the CNR is within walking distance from our homes. At the end of the project we have assumed the knowledge that we must invest more in science even more activity as "distant future" because our future is SCIENCE.
Noi ragazzi della 4 A vogliamo raccontarvi una delle ultime iniziative in cui è stata coinvolta la nostra classe. Si tratta di una nuova attività, “scienziato per un giorno”, che si è svolta in varie fasi. In tutte le tappe di questo percorso siamo stati accompagnati da due giornalisti scientifici e dalla nostra insegnante.
Grazie a questa iniziativa abbiamo avuto la possibilità di conoscere una nuova branca of science: cybernetics.
This has been very significant for us because it has shown in practice that a lot of knowledge, like mathematics, biology, chemistry, physics are closely linked and interdependent. We also found areas of application for us unthinkable that belong to our everyday life. The scientists then markedly practical and are closer to us than is commonly imagined. The meeting with journalists prior to the visit to the laboratories, has whet our curiosity aroused high expectations with positive implications about our future choices in university-business.
Day November 25 came to the laboratories of CNR, located in Pozzuoli, in accordance with the last stage of training, we have witnessed an interesting and exciting conference in which, in particular, were analyzed sophisticated SQUID magnetic sensors known as: their conception and design to their application function. Thanks to this we had the unique opportunity to meet in person one of the scientists and researchers to European centers of excellence. The meeting allowed us to dispel the stereotypes: first, scientists, considered as persons living in their own world, actually have a life like that of any other animated only by a greater desire to know the outside world and give answers, and secondly we tend to think that the use and design of these technological devices only happen abroad, while the center of the CNR is within walking distance from our homes. At the end of the project we have assumed the knowledge that we must invest more in science even more activity as "distant future" because our future is SCIENCE.
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