In questo periodo ho pochissimo tempo a disposizione e questo sarà l'ultimo post prima di Natale. Quindi ho cercato la foto più natalizia, per augurarvi a modo mio buone feste.
Continua l'imitazione biscotto. Ma devo dire che stavolta la ricetta si discosta tantissimo dall'originale, è tutt'altro biscotto. Sarebbero i tarallucci . I did not know they contained honey, you do not hear in industrial ones, while you feel the pleasant aftertaste in these patients. I changed the recipe slightly by adding the vanilla (among other things at the fair I bought a jar of 50 grams, so will end now absolutely everywhere)
prepare these cookies was a bit 'a nuisance, the amount of flour given to I was too little, or maybe my eggs xl greedy have wanted to brave more, however it took a while 'before the dough is workable. After so much "effort" are the result of baby biscuits much flavor (and also seen the molds used in the form I would say) and super inzuppevoli.
500g of 00 flour (I used 600)
200g sugar 100g margarine 2 eggs
a tablespoon of honey 1 tablespoon baking
a pinch of salt
teaspoon bourbon vanilla powder
with electric whips Cream margarine and sugar. Add the remaining ingredients, leaving the last flour and baking powder. Knead until dough is smooth and soft, add more flour if necessary, until the dough will stick more to the hands. Roll out a sheet 5 mm high and cut the cookies with stencils. Bake in oven at 180 ° C for 10 minutes on a baking sheet covered with parchment paper.
Continua l'imitazione biscotto. Ma devo dire che stavolta la ricetta si discosta tantissimo dall'originale, è tutt'altro biscotto. Sarebbero i tarallucci . I did not know they contained honey, you do not hear in industrial ones, while you feel the pleasant aftertaste in these patients. I changed the recipe slightly by adding the vanilla (among other things at the fair I bought a jar of 50 grams, so will end now absolutely everywhere)
prepare these cookies was a bit 'a nuisance, the amount of flour given to I was too little, or maybe my eggs xl greedy have wanted to brave more, however it took a while 'before the dough is workable. After so much "effort" are the result of baby biscuits much flavor (and also seen the molds used in the form I would say) and super inzuppevoli.
500g of 00 flour (I used 600)
200g sugar 100g margarine 2 eggs
a tablespoon of honey 1 tablespoon baking
a pinch of salt
teaspoon bourbon vanilla powder
with electric whips Cream margarine and sugar. Add the remaining ingredients, leaving the last flour and baking powder. Knead until dough is smooth and soft, add more flour if necessary, until the dough will stick more to the hands. Roll out a sheet 5 mm high and cut the cookies with stencils. Bake in oven at 180 ° C for 10 minutes on a baking sheet covered with parchment paper.
Very good Christmas!
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