After a good Christmas? We are, and I am really happy. Santa Claus was generous? Brought you some useful gift to the culinary arts? To me, and I have already prepared a very sweet cake from a book received, of course soon on these screens:-D
The recipe that launched today is very simple and all things light enough to fit after Christmas, before the dinner bellyfuls. Coming from a newspaper that ran at work, I made some small change (the grated cheese and spices were not originally).
230 grams of chickpeas
3 eggs 1 cup heavy cream
4 cubes frozen spinach 2 tablespoons grated parmesan cheese and a half
2 tablespoons of grated hard cheese
nutmeg curry
salt Put the spinach in a suitable container in the microwave and cook for 5 minutes. Squeeze well and put in food processor along with the drained chickpeas. Pour ottenuto in una ciotola capiente, aggiungete un uovo per volta mescolando di continuo. Aggiungete la panna, i formaggi grattugiati, le spezie (io ho messo circa un cucchiaino di curry e una grattugiata di noce moscata) e il sale.
Imburrate 6 stampini monoporzione, cuocete a bagnomaria in forno a 180° per circa 35 minuti.
The recipe that launched today is very simple and all things light enough to fit after Christmas, before the dinner bellyfuls. Coming from a newspaper that ran at work, I made some small change (the grated cheese and spices were not originally).
230 grams of chickpeas
3 eggs 1 cup heavy cream
4 cubes frozen spinach 2 tablespoons grated parmesan cheese and a half
2 tablespoons of grated hard cheese
nutmeg curry
salt Put the spinach in a suitable container in the microwave and cook for 5 minutes. Squeeze well and put in food processor along with the drained chickpeas. Pour ottenuto in una ciotola capiente, aggiungete un uovo per volta mescolando di continuo. Aggiungete la panna, i formaggi grattugiati, le spezie (io ho messo circa un cucchiaino di curry e una grattugiata di noce moscata) e il sale.
Imburrate 6 stampini monoporzione, cuocete a bagnomaria in forno a 180° per circa 35 minuti.