All this and much more to the success of "Scientist for a day!"
Routes scientific Futuro Remoto, began last November 21, culminating a day of celebration that sees the presence of all participants in the event and an awards ceremony for classes that have sent the Fondazione IDIS-Città della Scienza the best text to tell their participation.
This experience demonstrates the ability effectively to create - through a systematic relationship of mutual cooperation - a joint project "low cost", with the creation of a very large and diverse network of places, people, resources, and a considerable wealth of events, issues, scientific content and texts.
So, thanks to the availability of research centers in Campania, in dialogue with the world of youth and school and participation - even ideational - the leaders and teachers of various schools, there was a chance to visit 14 centers for applied research and experimental Campania, participating in discussions / debates with scientists of international standing; di avere un approccio concreto al mondo della ricerca e un’occasione per orientarsi alla scelta della facoltà, seguendo “dal vero” il lavoro di alcuni scienziati; di arricchire il percorso didattico della classe con un’attività extracurricolare ed avere un’occasione di aggiornamento qualificato per l’insegnamento e per l’apprendimento delle scienze sperimentali, venendo a conoscenza di progetti nazionali ed internazionali di ricerca e di cooperazione scientifico-tecnologica.
Il programma della giornata è così organizzato:
ore 09,30 - 10,30
Visita al Science Centre per il primo gruppo di classi.
ore 10,45 - 12.15
room Newton: awards of all participants
- Greetings staff "Scientist for a Day
- Statement by a teacher of a school
- Statement by a student
- Statement by a researcher
- Speech by President of the jury awards
- Attendance and awards sponsor LOGITECH
12 hours , 30 to 13.30:
Visit to Science Centre for the second class group
Info: Ernesto Grasso - tel.: 081.7352.268 - grasso@cittadellascienza.it
From Cittadellascienza.it
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