Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Average Cost Of Bathroom Fan

Festival award for" Scientist for a Day! "

Friday, January 16 from 9.30 to 13.30 students, teachers, researchers will celebrate together with us here the great success of" Scientist for a day! "Seven months of preparation , 140 days, 1120 hours, 5 meetings with the institute "G. Mazzini", and institutions "State High School", "Armando Aiaz", "Higher Institute of Industrial State," De Nicola, "Elio Vittorini "to distribute to children and teachers preparatory sheets and questionnaires, discuss the issues and prepare questions to be together ask the researchers, 4 channels to work through the internet with the help of high school "Titus Lucretius Carus", with high school technology "Carlo Levi", with the Industrial Technical Institute "Francesco Giordani, with the Aeronautical Technical Institute" Villaggio dei Ragazzi "di Maddaloni to inform teachers on the topics and methodology of the preliminary events and send cards with their questionnaires, 14 activities in 23 matches overall, seven days of activity (21 to 28 November), 15 thematic areas ( astronomy, biology / biotechnology, cybernetics, education, creativity, physics, geophysics, volcanology, geology marine electrical engineering, intelligence and artificial life, mathematics, optics, space research, earth sciences, natural sciences, remote sensing).

All this and much more to the success of "Scientist for a day!"

Routes scientific Futuro Remoto, began last November 21, culminating a day of celebration that sees the presence of all participants in the event and an awards ceremony for classes that have sent the Fondazione IDIS-Città della Scienza the best text to tell their participation.

This experience demonstrates the ability effectively to create - through a systematic relationship of mutual cooperation - a joint project "low cost", with the creation of a very large and diverse network of places, people, resources, and a considerable wealth of events, issues, scientific content and texts.

So, thanks to the availability of research centers in Campania, in dialogue with the world of youth and school and participation - even ideational - the leaders and teachers of various schools, there was a chance to visit 14 centers for applied research and experimental Campania, participating in discussions / debates with scientists of international standing; di avere un approccio concreto al mondo della ricerca e un’occasione per orientarsi alla scelta della facoltà, seguendo “dal vero” il lavoro di alcuni scienziati; di arricchire il percorso didattico della classe con un’attività extracurricolare ed avere un’occasione di aggiornamento qualificato per l’insegnamento e per l’apprendimento delle scienze sperimentali, venendo a conoscenza di progetti nazionali ed internazionali di ricerca e di cooperazione scientifico-tecnologica.

Il programma della giornata è così organizzato:

ore 09,30 - 10,30

Visita al Science Centre per il primo gruppo di classi.

ore 10,45 - 12.15

room Newton: awards of all participants

- Greetings staff "Scientist for a Day

- Statement by a teacher of a school

- Statement by a student

- Statement by a researcher

- Speech by President of the jury awards

- Attendance and awards sponsor LOGITECH

12 hours , 30 to 13.30:

Visit to Science Centre for the second class group

Info: Ernesto Grasso - tel.: 081.7352.268 -



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